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Our services

Our services

Preparation for road rally

We specialize in preparing Ford Escort Mk1 & MK2 cars for road rally competition use. We either built you a complete car or prepare your own Ford Escort with all the  equipment needed to compete in rallies like the Winter Trial, Tulip Rally, SLS Rally, Horneland Rally and many more

Rent our Rally Ford Escort

Want to compete but don't own the right car?

You can rent our Ford Escort MK2 RS 2liter GP4

This car can be set up for either road rally as speed rally use.

Request rent here.

Full restoration

Do you own a Ford Escort that needs a full restoration ?

We strip your car , sandblast it, do all the needed reinforcement and welding, built up your car from scratch and  make her race ready the way you wish.

Rally support anywhere in Europe

You are going to compete in a rally and need support?

We will join you with our service van and make sure you get all the support you need during you rally.

Anywhere in Europe.

Maintenance and storage

We store your rally car, make her race ready whenever you take her out for a spin and clean her before she goes back to our storage.

Contact us for availability and terms.

Buying and selling

You want to buy or sell a Ford Escort ?

Wer do have cars for sale but also provide the service to sell your car in our network or help you to find the right car for you.

Our expertise and network helps you to find it , buy and transport it and make you car competition ready.

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